Deutsch English

Purpose of the Association

The Association Purpose is Achieved by:

  • The improvement of communication between scientists from universities, hospitals, research institutes and companies, which are concerned with molecular endocrinology; in particular the intensification of the contacts between clinicians and scientists engaged in fundamental research.
  • The organization of advanced training seminars covering all important aspects of the clinical and experimental molecular endocrinology, in particular of molecular-biological and biochemical methods.
  • Consultation in the field of planning, filing of an application and execution of research projects within the range of the molecular endocrinology.
  • Formation of specialized groups dealing with central topics of interest.
  • Establishment of an information system concerning the molecular endocrinology
  • Promotion and care of international contacts.

The non-profit-association Keme e.V. (registered association) serves the public interest and is acknowledgedly serving the public good .

Persons, companies, federations and organizations can become members, if they are ready and able to promote the purpose of the association.